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Compliance Specialists (CS EYE) is pleased to present the following training for Minnesota Optometrists.  This training is offered in three one-hour video training's and can be viewed at your convenience.  Upon successful completion of the courses and proficiency testing, the attendee's CE credit will be reported to ARBO and an email certificate sent to the attendee.

Training approved for credit by the MN Board of Optometry course approval # MN17-030-HS

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MN Contact Lens Law

Documentation & Compliance Training

Module One: Optometry Practices in MN

The presentation will offer a general overview of Minnesota Optometry expectations, including:


  • Minnesota Optometry Law

  • Scope of Practice

  • Standard of Care

  • Managing patient expectations

  • Prescribing-lenses and contact lenses

  • Patient education

  • Review questions

Module Two:  Documentation to Support Medical Necessity

Documentation of patient care is critical to any practice.  Not only does it assist in continuity of care but it is a resource for risk management, education and insurance company initiatives.  This presentation will review the documentation and medical necessity requirements for both eye examination codes (92002-92014) and evaluation and management codes (99201-99215).


  • Review of 92XXX code requirements

    • Intermediate vs. Comprehensive

    • Initiation of diagnostic and treatment program

  • Review of 99XXX code requirements

    • History

    • Examination

    • Dilation or contraindication

    • Decision making

  • Medical necessity-ICD10

  • Hints to document and code the correct level of service

  • Review Questions

Module Three:  Diagnostic Testing and General Review

Diagnostic testing is a necessary part of patient care but it is important that your documentation support both medical necessity and the testing itself.  This presentation will review:


  • Diagnostic testing orders

  • Standard of Care review

  • Medical necessity

  • Documentation

  • Resources, including CMS published policies

  • Review of Advanced Beneficiary Notice or insurance waiver

  • Final review of all three presentations

  • Review Questions

  • Certificate of completion

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